Steps of a Run
6.9.1 Initiation Phase [script unavailable]
6.9.1.a The Runner announces the attacked server.
6.3.2 At the start of the Initiation Phase, the Runner announces a server to be the attacked server.
6.3.2.b Some abilities impose an additional cost to run, either generally or on a particular server. Any costs to run a server must be paid at the time that server is announced as the attacked server.
6.3.4 Some abilities look for particular conditions occurring "during a run" or are restricted to being used "during a run." For purposes of abilities, the run formally begins only after the attacked server is announced and any costs are paid.
6.9.1.b Gain bad publicity credits
The Runner gains 1
to spend during the run for each bad publicity the Corp has.
6.9.1.c Run begins
The run formally begins. Conditions related to the run beginning or initiating are met.
- 6.9.1.d Initiation phase ends
- Does the attacked server have at least one piece of ice?
6.9.2 Approach Ice Phase [script unavailable]
6.9.2.a Approach begins
The approach begins. Conditions related to the Runner approaching this ice are met.
6.4.2 Abilities with this trigger condition can be prevented by ending of the approach phase.
6.9.2.b Runner's paid ability window (P) (R)
A paid ability window occurs, in which players may use paid abilities and the Corp may rez non-ice cards. Additionally, the Corp can rez the approached piece of ice. (P) (R)
- If the runner did not use any paid abilities after the corp passes theirs, continue to 6.9.2.c
- Corp's paid ability window (P) (R)
- Corp can use paid abilities, rez ice being approached, rez non-ice cards, but cannot score.
- Go back to 6.9.2.b if the corp has used any paid ability
6.9.2.c Approach ice phase ends
The Approach Ice Phase is complete. If the approached piece of ice is rezzed, continue to step 6.9.3, Encounter Ice Phase. Otherwise, proceed to step 6.9.4, Movement Phase.
- Is the approached piece of ice rezzed?
6.9.3 Encounter Ice Phase [script unavailable]
6.9.3.a Encounter begins
The encounter begins. Conditions related to the Runner encountering this ice are met.
6.5.2 ...Abilities with this trigger condition are subject to rule 9.2.8f.
9.2.8.f.ex1 The Runner has a Femme Fatale installed and chose a Tollbooth with its "when installed" ability. When the Runner encounters the Tollbooth, they pay 1
to bypass the Tollbooth with Femme Fatale. Because the resolution of Femme Fatale's ability causes the encounter to end, the pending ability from Tollbooth cannot be triggered. The Runner does not pay 3
, and the run does not end.
6.9.3.b Runner’s paid ability window (P)
A paid ability window occurs, in which players may only use paid abilities. Subroutines on the encountered ice can be broken during this window. (P)
6.5.8.a When an effect allows the Runner to bypass a piece of ice, the Encounter Ice Phase is aborted and the Runner immediately proceeds to pass that ice.
- If the runner did not use any paid abilities after the corp passes theirs, continue to 6.9.3.c
- Corp’s paid ability window (P)
- Only use paid abilities.
- Go back to 6.9.3.b if the corp has used any paid ability
- 6.9.3.c
Are there unbroken, unresolved subroutines?
Yes Resolve the next subroutine in order
No #6.9.3.e
- 6.9.3.d
- 6.9.3.e The Encounter Ice Phase is complete.
6.9.4 Movement Phase [script unavailable]
6.9.4.a Pass ice, if any.
If the Runner's position corresponds to a piece of ice, the Runner passes that ice. Conditions related to passing ice are met. If there are no positions more inward than the ice just passed, conditions related to passing all of the ice protecting a server are also met.
- Are there more ice inwards?
No Runner passed all ice.
6.9.4.b Runner’s paid ability window (P)
A paid ability window occurs, in which players may only use paid abilities. (P)
- If the runner did not use any paid abilities after the corp passes theirs, continue to 6.9.4.c
- Corp’s paid ability window (P)
- Only use paid abilities.
- Go back to 6.9.4.b if the corp has used any paid ability
- 6.9.4.c Jack out?
6.9.4.d Move inwards
The Runner's position moves to the next position inward, if any.
6.9.4.e Runner’s paid ability window (P) (R)
A paid ability window occurs, in which players may use paid abilities and the Corp may rez non-ice cards. (P) (R)
- If the runner did not use any paid abilities after the corp passes theirs, continue to 6.9.4.f
- Corp’s paid ability window (P) (R)
- Corp can use paid abilities, rez non-ice cards, but cannot score.
- Go back to 6.9.4.e if the corp has used any paid ability
6.9.4.f Another ice?
If the Runner moved to a new position, return to step 6.9.2, Approach Ice Phase, approaching the piece of ice in their new position. If not, continue to (g).
6.9.4.g Approach server
The Runner approaches the attacked server. Conditions related to the Runner approaching a server are met.
6.9.4.h Movement phase ends
The Movement Phase is complete. Continue to step 6.9.5, Success Phase.
6.9.5 Success Phase [script unavailable]
6.9.5.a Run is successful
The run is declared successful. Conditions related to a successful run are met.
6.7.3 Declaring a run to be successful is not the same as the Success Phase beginning. Abilities that have successful run triggers are not prevented by change of run phases.
6.7.4.a If an effect that initiates a run specifies that that run must be made against a specific server or servers, any "If successful" abilities associated with that effect are tied to that server or servers. If the attacked server has changed since the run was initiated, and no longer is a server that could have been chosen for this run, the "If successful" abilities do not meet their trigger conditions.
6.8.4.b If the attacked server has ceased to exist, the run is not declared unsuccessful. See rule 8.5.8.
6.9.5.b Breach server
The Runner breaches the attacked server.
6.7.4.c If an “If successful” effect gives the Runner an effect they can optionally carry out instead of breaching, that decision is made at the time the breach would begin, in step 6.9.5b.
- 6.9.5.c Success phase ends
7.5 Steps of Breaching a Server [script unavailable]
7.5.1 Breach begins
Breaching the server formally begins. Conditions related to breaching this server are met.
- 7.5.2
Which server is breached?
7.5.2 Archive Turn all cards in the Corp’s discard pile faceup.
7.5.3 HQ or R&D Determine card candidate limit.
Card candidates, global
7.4.1.a At the beginning of a breach, each card in the root of the breached server is a candidate
7.3.5.b If an ability allows the Runner to "access additional cards" during a breach of HQ or R&D, the effect of that ability is to increase the random access limit. Such an ability can only be applied at the beginning of the breach, before the value of the random access limit is set.
7.4.6 Cards entering a server while a breach is in progress can become candidates.
Card candidates, HQ
7.4.1.a At the beginning of a breach, each card in the Corp’s hand is a candidate
7.3.4.a When presented with candidates during a breach of HQ, the Runner chooses either a specific candidate that is not in the Corp's hand or to access a random candidate from among the ones in the Corp's hand. A card randomly chosen this way is treated as though the Runner had chosen it.
Card candidates, R&D
7.4.1.a At the beginning of a breach, the top card of the Corp’s deck is a candidate.
7.4.7 During a breach of R&D, the Runner is presented with 1 candidate from the Corp's deck at a time in turn, working down from the top of the deck. Cards are made candidates 1 at a time until the access limit is reached.
Card candidates, archives
7.4.1.a At the beginning of a breach, each card in the Corp’s discard pile is a candidate.
7.3.2.a If a card is added to Archives facedown after this step, that card remains facedown for the remainder of the breach, even after it is accessed. The Runner can only look at a facedown card in Archives while accessing it.
- 7.5.4
Can the runner choose a candidate?7.5.4 No #7.5.7
7.5.5 Yes Access the chosen card.
- 7.5.6
7.5.7 Breach ends
The breach is complete. Conditions related to the breach ending are met.
7.2 Steps of Accessing a Card [script unavailable]
7.2.1 The card is accessed.
The card is accessed. Conditions related to accessing this card are met.
7.1.7 If a card moves to another location while it is being accessed, the access ends immediately.
7.2.2 Trash or use mid-access ability.
The Runner may use a single mid-access ability, such as the basic trash ability.
7.1.5 The Runner always has the ability “Access → Pay the trash cost of the accessed card: Trash it.” This is the basic trash ability.
7.2.3 If the accessed card is an agenda, the Runner must steal it.
7.1.6 If, after resolving mid-access abilities, the Runner is still accessing an agenda, they must steal it.
7.1.6.a Some abilities can create additional costs to steal an agenda. The Runner can decline to pay such costs and not steal the agenda. See section 1.16.10.
7.2.4 Access ends
The access is complete. Conditions related to an access ending are met.
6.9.6 Run Ends Phase [script unavailable]
6.9.6.a Priority window closes
Any priority windows that were open when the run moved to this phase are completed or closed as described in section 6.8.2.
6.8.2.a If a paid ability window was open when the run was ended, the window closes. No player can trigger further paid abilities or resolve other options the window would normally allow (such as rezzing cards).
- 6.9.6.b The Runner loses any unspent bad publicity credits.
6.9.6.c Unsuccessful run?
If the Success Phase was not reached during this run and the attacked server still exists, the run becomes unsuccessful.
- 6.9.6.d The Run Ends Phase and the run as a whole are both complete.